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Performia Australia – Do I Need A Balance Of ‘Doers’ And ‘Performers’ In My Team?

At Performia Australia, we run weekly seminars across the country on how to build a productive team in your business.

A question that is often asked by people who attend the seminar is this one – “Do I need a balance of Performers and Doers in my team? – If I had all performers wouldn’t they get bored and want to leave.”

Answering this requires more definition of these terms.

At Performia Australia we define a performer as;
“someone who can achieve the results of the job without the need for external advice, pressure or orders.”

A doer is someone;
“who is generally willing to help, willing to learn and willing to work and follow instructions to get things done.”

The reality is that the best staff member is the one that gets the job done without needing your help all the time.  Whether the person is ambitious or not and needs a variety of things in their job is a question of the person’s personality.

If the question is “can I have a whole team full of people who want to be the boss?”, then the answer is no.  But not everyone that is a performer wants to be the boss.

To find out how you can “Build Your Team” so that it is a performing  group, start by coming to the “Build Your Team Seminar” now.

Click here to register

Kind Regards,

Greg Paul
Business Development Executive
Performia Australia
Ph. 1800 603 023

© 2010 Performia Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Build Your Team Seminar

This seminar is designed for you, the business owner, manager or recruiter. This seminar covers the important things to know; which staff are most valuable and which aren’t so valuable or in some cases even destructive.

You will also gain valuable tools on how to interview your existing staff and candidates so that you can promote and hire the most productive people to allow smooth growth for your business.

This seminar will show you the key to understanding productive people and getting the most from your team.

Register Here

“I recieved 4-5 different ideas that I can implement right away on how to interview candidates more effectively.”
– Julie Grimshaw, KRC Mining Consultants.

“I like the focused approach to interviewing prospects and reducing wasted efforts and time on more traditional methods/strategies.”
– Mark Davis, Hire a Hubby.

“This information will absolutely help me as I have had previous staff issues and this data could prevent this in the future.”
– Ben Den Boer, Unique Decking Designs.

Register Here


Help your Child thrive in Uncertain Times with Mark McQuade Parenting and Education Expert and Co-Founder Greenfields School UK

Being a parent means being full of questions.
Am I raising my child the right way?
Have I chosen the right school for them?
How will they face the future?

Gain new certainty as a parent and learn groundbreaking discoveries on education that most parents and even teachers don’t know at a revolutionary new seminar featuring Oxford educated parenting expert and co-founder of one of England’s leading independent schools.

Don’t miss this seminar, Saturday 3rd July at Deakin University, packed with vital information every parent of primary aged children should know.

Register Here

Optima Training Center

Optima is a division of Performia Australia designed to take our expertise in personnel evaluation and hiring productive people to the next level.  We offer a range of courses from around the world focused on sales, to finance, personal development and advanced executive and business building.  The training is tough, but focused on results for you, your business and your staff.

Email Alex at alex@performia.com.au
Call Alex at 1800 603 023

Exelect Recruitment

Exelect is another division of Performia Australia that is a recruitment company.  If you need a productive staff member to join your team right now, give us a call and we can give you a quote on using the tools of Performia to find someone for you.

Email Caroline at caroline@performia.com.au
Call Caroline at 1800 603 023

Join the Performia Facebook Group

To have access to weekly articles about recruitment, productivity and getting the best out of your staff, log in to facebook and join our group now.

Join Here